Technological advances and the future of corporate and marketing communication

An international foresight study among experts from different professional backgrounds

Authors: Castulus Kolo and Florian Haumer


Kolo, C. & Haumer, F. (2020). Technological advances and the future of corporate and marketing communication: An international foresight study among experts from different professional backgrounds. Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies–JOCIS, 6 (1), 18–35.


This study strives to shed light on the potential impact of technological advances on specific aspects of corporate and marketing communication. It is based on an international survey among experts from different professional backgrounds (n=470) and a follow-up group discussion of the survey results with selected media industry experts to identify required actions by companies to cope with various aspects of change. Our foresight approach with a time horizon until about 2030 suggest that artificial intelligence (AI), virtual, mixed, or augmented reality, new human machine interfaces in general as well as internet of things (IoT) and blockchain will have the most substantial effects alongside with the increasing complexity and need for integration of various communication activities. Furthermore, content creation will become automated to a considerable extent in this decade and thus will require process innovation to get it organized. As a result, companies should build internal expertise on AI at decision-making level to avoid dependencies on external consultancy and set up a proactive partnering with suppliers of the other key technologies.


Marketing, corporate communication, technology, foresight, artificial intelligence, VR, human computer interface, blockchain.

ISSN: 2184-0466.
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